Pride collection 2021
Pride collection 2021

pride collection 2021

  • no liquids other than drinks, medicine and sunscreen, especially caustic or strong smelling liquids, paints, etc.
  • pride collection 2021

    please leave your knives and cutting tools, ninja collections, baseball equipments and swords at is not allowed to enter Budapest Pride Parade with banners, posters or leaflets with messages that do not align with intended purposes of the Parade, any related decision falls under the responsibility of crew members.the same applies to those who express hostility towards participants, the purposes of Budapest Pride or crew members.anyone trying to enter carrying hateful, inflammatory, discriminatory sign / flag against any social group, or displaying such rhoteric, or wearing such tatoos or clothing, is asked to stay home - these will not be allowed when participating in the parade.hydration will be very important on the day of the parade, but you may ONLY bring liquids in plastic or metal bottles - no glass bottles are allowed.Below we have also prepared a short summary for you, which contains the most important information and rules:

    #Pride collection 2021 download#

    We have attached the complete House Rules of the event - be sure to download and read them and comply with them. The decisions about entry and participation are taken solely by organisers and crew members and d o not need to be justified at the event nor afterwards. Please be aware that organisers and crew members may refuse entry to the event or exclude a participant at any time of the parade if they consider this person to obstruct the aim of the event or its peaceful conduct. It's important that we respect each other, listen to requests of the organisers, follow instructions and, of course, respect the House Rules of the Budapest Pride. For this we, however, also need your active cooperation. The parade is one of the most open, inclusive events in the country, where everyone can be themselves, in safety and in a relaxed environment. The priority of the Budapest Pride organisers is to ensure an environment that is safe and entertaining for everyone.

    Pride collection 2021